Job Listing
River of Life is hiring!
Please take a moment to read through the job description before applying.
The Associate Pastor of Discipleship at River of Life, (full-time, 40 hrs/wk), is responsible for providing vision, coaching and direction for the ROLC discipleship strategy among all ministries at the church. He primarily accomplishes this through fostering outreach into the community, helping people get connected to the church and Biblical training within. The Associate Pastor of Discipleship will have a passionate desire to treasure Christ and make much of Him which will flow into a love and care for the ROLC congregation, the Hastings community and beyond.
Meet the qualifications of an elder in 1 Timothy 3:2-7.
Treasures Jesus and has a growing relationship with Him.
In agreement with the ROLC statement of faith.
Member at ROLC and exemplifies what this looks like to the congregation.
Models a Christ-exalting marriage (if married) and family life (if he has children).
Spends daily time in prayer and personal Bible study.
Displays healthy, Christ-honoring leadership (humble, teachable, disciplined and accountable).
Initiates and follows-through, able to self-start and accomplish tasks on time.
Able to equip, delegate and rally others to various ministry opportunities.
Passionate about God’s word and is able to rightly handle it.
Bachelor Degree required. (Ministry emphasis preferred.)
Previous experience in pastoring, discipleship, connections and/or outreach preferred.
1. Outreach
Provide training, encouragement, and vision to equip the congregation to live out their mission to reach the lost and serve the community.
Train and equip congregants for relational evangelism and reaching those outside the church in their respective circles.
Train and equip congregants to proactively seek to serve the community as individuals as God gives them opportunity and skill.
Organize and run a variety of outreach events and community service projects to minister to the unchurched in our community.
Set an example of missional living by being set apart, praying for the lost, investing in those outside the church, and actively sharing your faith.
2. Connections
Develop and lead a connections strategy to help guests feel welcomed, take next steps, get connected in small groups, and serve within the church and community.
Oversee the hospitality team and guest follow up.
Collect visitor contact information, follow up with guests, and connect them to relevant ministries and ministry leaders.
Help foster a welcoming environment for newcomers who visit the church.
Implement and run starting point class (once a month).
3. Discipleship
Develop, oversee, and set vision for a comprehensive discipleship strategy for the church.
Organize and train people to disciple others.
Disciple in theology.
Disciple in Biblical character.
Disciple in daily life activities through a Biblical lens.
Manage ongoing discipleship groups.
Equip and coach ministry heads to incorporate discipleship strategies within their ministry.
Train and equip parents to disciple their children at home.
Work with kids and youth ministry leaders to this end.
4. Shepherd the flock
Offer pastoral counsel (premarital, marital, general) and help to congregants.
Pray regularly for the sick and do visitations as needs arise.
Promote the unity and trust of the church.
Perform weddings, funerals and baptisms for church members as needed.
5. Other responsibilities
Preach and teach alongside pastor and preaching team.
Train and mentor as necessary.
Participate in regular staff, elder and ministry meetings.
Hold office hours Monday-Thursday from 8:30-12:00.
Other duties as assigned by the Lead Pastor and/or elders.
Pursue personal development and encouragement through book reading and annual attendance at off-campus workshops, conferences, and seminars.
Serve as an elder after probationary period. This position will begin as a staff pastor position with the goal of becoming an elder.
SALARY commensurate with experience and qualifications. (This number includes housing allowance, health care and retirement).
River of Life Church will help cover the cost of MOVING EXPENSES.
Three weeks PAID VACATION per year.
Technology provided:
Laptop with operating system of your choice.
Smart phone with monthly service plan.
Credit card and EXPENSE ACCOUNT for church related expenses.
Mileage reimbursement for ministry related travel.
SUMMER SABBATICAL every 7 years.
Please send a cover letter with some of your background (experience, education, theological influences and why you would be a good fit), along with your resume.
Send links to any recent video or audio preaching examples.
SEND TO: dustin@riveroflifehastings.org